Lex燕草属植物 is doing “the whole West Michigan circuit”
of 骄傲 events, attending festivals in Grand Haven, 大急流城
和其他地方. After growing up in a small Michigan town with no
骄傲 celebrations, moving to 大急流城 was great, 说 Larkspur,
because “all of a sudden, those events were everywhere.”
“Before coming to Grand Valley, basically all the queer
people I knew were online, and there weren't really spaces where you
拉克斯珀说:“我能骄傲地出来吗?. “我立即参与其中
here and made some of my first in-person queer friends, which has
是伟大的. I think when you don't have those kinds of communities,
it can be isolating not seeing the experiences that you’ve had
由你周围的人分享. 但是能够得到那种
reassurance and solidarity at Grand Valley has helped me feel more
normal, helped me feel like there are folks out there that are like
me, rather than feeling alone in a crowd that would rather not think
A fourth-year English and secondary education major,
Larkspur plans on becoming a high school teacher after graduating.
“Role models in that stage of life are very important,” she 说,
adding that she hopes that as a visibly out and proud queer teacher,
she will provide her students with a supportive space in school that
“I think the biggest reason 骄傲 is important is
because 世界’s not fully accepting yet,” 说 Larkspur. ”,
means that it’s 骄傲, in spite of judgment and a lot of political
针对酷儿人群的行动. 外面有很多人
don’t want us to be proud of who we are, so i think its important
and really liberating to find spaces where our ideintities are
庆祝和接受. 我觉得大峡谷几乎是一个灯塔
terms of supporting queer people, and 骄傲 is a great way for them